Combat Takes Centre Stage in Creepy Jar’s First StarRupture Gameplay Teaser
Posted August 28, 2024Warsaw, Poland - Aug. 28, 2024 — Creepy Jar, the Polish studio best known for its wildly successful survival simulator, Green Hell, is hard at work on its next title, StarRupture. Built in Unreal Engine 5, StarRupture is an ambitious cross between base building, exploration, combat, and resource management on an alien planet torn by a catastrophic cycle of destruction caused by its life-giving star. Today, Creepy Jar is elated to give players a first look sneak peek into some of StarRupture’s dynamic gameplay with a focus on the hectic first-person combat in solo footage—because at its heart, StarRupture has a huge emphasis on its 4-player co-op component—to a base under assault from just a few of the dangers they’ll be facing on this far away planet.
StarRupture has three main gameplay pillars—base-building, exploration, and combat—and this action-packed trailer, taken from an early build, gives players a look at the pulse-pounding combat they’ll face in their bid for survival. Set in the far future, humanity has gone to the stars in search for precious resources. And the planet orbiting our namesake star, Ruptura, while being a resource-rich open world is also rife with dangers.
In the teaser clip, we see our lone explorer face off against hordes of enemies charging a custom-built base. If that isn’t enough, our exploding star is mere minutes from releasing an apocalyptic fire wave on the planet’s surface. All of our fighter’s vitals are looking good, but Creepy Jar isn’t forgetting their roots in survival and eagle-eyed viewers will notice not only the health and armour stats for our player/character, but also the thirst, toxicity, and hunger levels, as well.
Utilizing collected resources to create ammunition to load turrets as one line of defense, the player is valiantly attempting to protect a base under a full-scale assault and there’s no time to waste. As enemies make their way to destroy the base’s wind farm and storage buildings, a split-second decision is made to protect smelters and crafting pods from a terrifying new enemy assault on the other side of the base. While automated drones are busy zipping around their elevated tracks to deliver resources from location to location, the enemy assault becomes all but overwhelming. Making matters worse, our soldier looks up to see Ruptura ready to unleash its fiery blaze. With no time left to lose, the race is on to get to safety… but will he make it in time?

Taking what was learned over the 5-year journey of Green Hell, Creepy Jar’s experience makes it the perfect developer to support StarRupture’s three gameplay pillars of base-building, exploration, and combat. StarRupture sets itself in the story of man versus nature taking place in an otherworldly and breathtaking sci-fi environment where elemental cataclysms of extreme temperatures loom as a constant danger. The player takes up the mantle of a convict exiled from the Earth to serve their sentence by mining and expanding industrial production alongside researching new technology on a seemingly hospitable new planet rife with mystery and danger. Tasked with surviving the deadly waves of elements—not to mention facing down against hostile enemy monsters in tense combat—each cycle spells destruction yet ushers in a new era of growth and rebuilding. Played from a first-person perspective—adventuring solo or as part of an up-to-4-player group in co-op mode—players will be able to explore, adapt, mine, gather resources, and build complex machinery to survive and prosper.
Though by definition it is a base-building simulator, StarRupture is much more. The game will invite players to push beyond, to stay resilient and sharp against every assault, building and forming prior to the cycling eviscerating conditions on an otherwise beautiful planet. For fans of builders, management, sci-fi action, and combat StarRupture will challenge all comers to utilize the technology at their fingertips and weather both the extremities and fierce enemies in order to survive and create a prosperous industrial complex.