Blood West
A First Look at the Upcoming Chapter 3 of Blood West
Posted August 17, 2023You might be eagerly looking forward to our full release coming December 5th, 2023. So are we! To sweeten the waitin’ game, the development team at Hyperstrange has prepared some sneak peaks of what comes after yet another summoning of your infamous gunslinger in Blood West: Chapter 3!
If you’re a greenhorn and prefer to go into the game completely blind, beware as there’re spoilers ahead! As you remember, our next stop will be the Mountains. They’re covered with dark forest, hiding loads of new varmints and secrets, where with each step our desperado can stumble upon a swarm of glowing-red spirits. Apart from the omnipresent trees and branches, a whoppin’’ rift can be spotted, with even more enemies awaitin’ anyone daring to enter it. And once you do, the air can get a bit more… demonic. A worn-out railway sprawling across the location is not to be missed, one can only wonder where it might lead. Both seem quite fitting to the mountain setting unlike a circus that can be spotted in the distance. Its presence itself has a mysterious aura, as what’s even going on here. All this and more unravels before your eyes as you arrive with your newfound companion, in quite unlucky circumstances – this new level brings quite a few fresh additions to your favorite bloody lore. Being the final episode, we’ll draw a conclusion to the story of your well known dudes and dudettes, what the future holds for them is up to you, Gunslinger!
Don’t be buffaloed by a dark night in the desolate woods giving you peaceful vibes, as there’s plenty of varmints rumbling around. Same as Chapter 2 did, another installment introduces a new variety of monsters! We’re keeping most of them as a surprise, but with the promised sneak-peak comes an introduction to the Demon! The skittering sound of the steps of its stilts-like legs are bloodcurdling to anyone nearby.

It dwells in places often shrouded in dark vapors that are detrimental to the health of the living beings. It’s known for tirelessly stalking its prey, and, in spite of its size, it cuts dirt devilishly fast. We don’t have any evidence that this slightly hunched monstrosity is an inhabitant of Hell, but we can assure you it can be hella tricky to defeat as it can discharge devastatin’ ranged attacks. Just look at these four upper limbs! Beware as in melee fight they’re capable of rippin’ you to flinders. During the fight, the Demon also takes advantage of the vapors that tend to surround its lairs.
Even tho’ we throw you into the deep end with all this new spawn of monsters, you won’t go around unprepared as you’ll have plenty of chances to get some new barking irons, legendary weapons included. No matter if you’re more of a gunslinger or an archer, we have you covered with fire-new weaponry.
Get ready for Sentence, whose previous owner was a self-proclaimed judge, traveling through different villages looking for those who are dodging the law. Each blow meant yet another judgment executed. Once equipped it can’t be taken-off and for each slain foe you will recover a bit of health.
Moreover you may find Spite, a unique bow covered in thorns and spikes. It does not require ammunition as it draws blood from the player and forms it into arrows - so you have to be sure not to overdraw the string. Arrows shot with it defy laws of physics, which makes them hellishly accurate. Furthermore, as you’re struggling to hold it with all its stingy surface, you could swear you can hear a faint chuckle from within.
And here is the kicker, both of these weapons interact with a new phenomenon found in Chapter 3 - the hell vapors. Once within their reach these weapons unlock new powers. For the Sentence, almost each shot becomes a critical shot, while Spite no longer damages you when used.
Last but not least, let’s put on the boots, bullet in the chamber, and take a short hike through the tortuous paths that you’ll soon have to master. Headphones or speakers on for this one, gunslinger, you’ll need your ears here:
All this and more comes to all of you in less than five months, till then…
Good fortune, partners!
For more on information on Blood West:
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About Hyperstrange
HYPERSTRANGE is an independent game development and publishing studio based in Warsaw, Poland, founded on the day of the 2015 Solar Eclipse. With its debut title – ELDERBORN – Hyperstrange brought about a whole new level of brutal FPP melee combat in 2020. Then the studio gave a new lease on life to the POSTAL franchise in 2022 with POSTAL: Brain Damaged. Drawing inspiration from heavy metal, 90s pulp pop culture, and boomer shooter classics, the loud and proud studio strives to make everyone’s gaming life a little stranger.
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